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Henan Liming Heavy Industry Ciencia y Tecnología Co. LTD, fue fundada en 1987,que principalmente fabrica equipos detrituracionesymoliendas grandes y medianas. Se trata de una moderna empresa con la investigación, fabricación y ventas juntos. La matriz se encuentra enla zona HI-TECH Industry Development de Zhengzhou y cubiertas 80.000 m ².

No.169, Science (Kexue) Avenue,
National HI-TECH Industry
Development Zone,

Zhengzhou, China
E-mail: [email protected]
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high quality manganese steel for crushing
  • Manganese steel wear liners

    Manganese steel has been used in crushing applications for over 100 years, so it’s easy to take it for granted. It continues to be used because of the remarkable property that makes it ideal for wear liners: the harder you hit it, the harder it gets. Work-hardening steel How

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  • Crusher Manganese Parts - High-Quality Wear Parts for Crushing

    Manganese steel has work-hardening properties and can handle high impact blows, making it an ideal material for crusher wear parts. Choose our premium manganese with

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  • Qiming Casting-China’s wear-resistant casting industry

    Qiming Casting produces wear parts in standard materials according to the actual needs of our customers. For example, high manganese crusher jaw plates, cone crusher liners, and side plates for stone crushers; High

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  • Tips to select the right manganese for your crushing

    2021.12.3  1. The material being crushed. Is the rock hard (i.e., granite) or soft (i.e., limestone, sandstone)? What size is it being crushed to? How has material been prepped? If material is being recycled, is

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  • Manganese Steel Casting Gnu Steel Casting Pvt Ltd

    We are manufacturers of high Manganese Steel casting used in crushing and mining industry with an experience of last 20 years. We offer a big range of manganese spare

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  • Mangalloy - Wikipedia

    Mangalloy. Label on a bicycle frame indicating mangalloy. Mangalloy, also called manganese steel or Hadfield steel, is an alloy steel containing an average of around

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  • New insights into the properties of high-manganese steel ...

    2021.5.6  This paper focuses on selected results with respect to the mechanical properties of high-manganese steels, their underlying physical phenomena, and the

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  • An Overview on high manganese steel casting - CORE

    analysis on the overview of high manganese steel casting. The effect of chemical composition was analysed highlighting how different alloying element can affect the final

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